Why Business VOIP Service Woodbury is Better than Traditional Phones?
Here Are Some of The Features and Advantages of VOIP
Automated Call Management System
For any company in Woodbury and across Minnesota, having to address wrong numbers daily can be time consuming for employees. Imagine someone concentrated in his or her workstation taking on a task. The phone rings so they must answer. The caller is looking for someone in a different department. They now must find this person and transfer the call.

In that minute or two of distraction, the process flow of the employee is interrupted. And having to do this multiple times a week can lead to significant levels of time wasted. Therefore, business VOIP service Woodbury comes with an automated call management system to address this problem and more.
Basically, what this call management system does is screen all the calls coming into the company. It would then ask the caller simple questions which they can answer via the number pad. For example, “What department do you need to contact? Press 1 for Customer Support, Press 2 for Marketing, etc.” This can save employees valuable minutes while transferring the call to the right department.
Conference Calls
Probably the most used feature of business VOIP service Woodbury is the conference call. This service can take on multiple calls at the same time allowing several people from different locations to talk with each other at the same time. This is an ideal tool for companies that have offices in different locations; even outside of the country.
This feature has significantly improved collaboration and communication levels for several organizations already.
Video Call
While a traditional phone call or audio call is great for communication, there is still a different feel to seeing and visually interacting with another person. This is now possible through video call features of business VOIP service Woodbury. One, both, and all people involved in the call can turn on their video so that they can see each other. This is a great way to foster teamwork and acknowledgement of team members. This makes virtual collaboration a lot easier.
For decision makers and employees who travel a lot, VOIP solutions allow them to stay connected wherever they may be. In using traditional phones, employees can only take calls from their handset which is connected to their desks. This is not the case anymore when using VOIP. They can literally bring their phones with them and never miss another call.
The main requirements of using business VOIP service Woodbury is that there is an available internet connection and the user is on a device that can access the internet. It doesn’t matter if they are in a different office or in the airport, they can use their office VOIP phones.
Probably the biggest reason why business owners are keen to switch over is because business VOIP service Woodbury can save a lot of money while providing the same or even better services than traditional phones do. The cost per minute for calls are reduced, especially if calling long distance. At the same time, they don’t have to invest in additional hardware. The company also saves money by only needing an internet line instead of having an internet line along with dedicated phone lines.
All in all, business VOIP service Woodbury can provide top communication solutions for companies. If you are convinced to make the switch, then Zero 1 Zero Innovations is here for you. We have years of experience developing and implementing VOIP based solutions to address client’s communication requirements. To learn more about how we can help your organization, contact us today at 612 200-3139 or email info@010innovations.com.
Business VoIP Service Minneapolis